The last few days I have taken to writing beyond the topics with which readers commonly identify me, and today will be no exception.
A few days ago, news was released that leaves me personally with great doubts about the current situation, where people’s safety has been increasingly threatened, especially that of women. In Puebla, a very conservative state, a 19-year-old girl disappeared, and the last time anyone heard about her, she had taken a transportation service through Cabify. Days later the authorities would find her body with signs of physical and sexual assault.
The above has not been the only situation where recently created companies that offer private transportation services have been involved in problems that link them to insecurity. Months ago in the State of Mexico, a case of sexual abuse was revealed. to a girl who boarded an Uber service.
It is inevitable not to feel sadness and helplessness when hearing this news, however, for better or worse, technology developers have created a new application that can be of great help in these cases, I am talking about “Companion: Mobile Personal Safety”
This application helps users share their journeys with their most trusted contacts, and puts two emergency buttons at their disposal, the first to alert about insecurity, and the second to make a call to the police.
In addition to the above, the application detects sudden movements of the phone and sends an alert, whether when you start running, remove the headphones, or the phone falls and suffers an impact, this in order to promptly detect acts of insecurity and violence.
With any of the above events, an alert will be sent to your trusted contact and if you press the police button, they will also be notified.
It is extremely important that technology developers focus on creating solutions that allow us to have power as a civil society and unite in situations that, sadly, are increasingly common; that they promote solutions that are everyone’s problem.